Vietnam IELTS Community - VIC


On 20 Sept 2018, I co-founded Vietnam IELTS community (VIC) — a non-profit English speaking club. VIC is the only free English speaking club in Saigon where participants are closely monitored and guided by our talented hosts and seasoned IELTS trainers.

We organise weekly meet-ups every Saturday with plenty of enjoyable and educational activities. All of our materials are academically designed and carefully reviewed by IELTS experts with a view to helping everyone gain better insights into the IELTS speaking module and become more prepared for their upcoming tests. Thanks to everyone’s massive and unflagging support, to date we have successfully ran more than 120 meet-ups and helped hundreds of people learn and use more English.

If you would like to join our future meet-ups or meet me in person, feel free to come to VIC.

 Our operation


Our meet-ups are organised every Saturday
Venue: (follow our channels for more information).
Time: (follow our channels for more information).

To those who are interested in VIC meet-ups, please follow both VIC Facebook page and VIC Facebook group to get regular updates on our coming events.
VIC Facebook page:
VIC Facebook group:

On Monday each week, information about our events and registration is posted on VIC Facebook page to allow people to make their online reservation. It is completely free and open to every one; however, in order to control the number of participants and ensure the quality of our operation, there is a limit of 30 registered participants per night. If your booking attempt is successful, an e-ticket will be sent to your email to confirm your reservation. For attendance taking, you will be requested to provide your email at the venue.

On Friday, handouts and other materials used for Saturday night will be posted on VIC Facebook group. Most of the participants at VIC are intermediate to advanced English learners; it is therefore highly advisable that those interested in attending our events should have a look through our handouts in advance to become better prepared for the night and be able to make the most out of it.

Our meet-ups consist of 5 sessions:

1/ Discussion
In groups of 6 people, everyone will take turns to ask and answer the questions on the handout so everyone will have ample opportunity to think about the questions and practice giving comprehensive answers to them. Each group will be assigned a VIC host who they can turn to for support if they come up against any problems with vocabulary, grammar or ideas for the questions.

2/ VIC Introduction
A brief introduction will be given about VIC and our mission.

3/ Q&A session
Some volunteers will be invited to the front to give their answer to one of the questions on the handout. If they wish to, they will receive feedback from our experienced IELTS trainers who have achieved 8.0 to 8.5. Our trainers can help you identify your weaknesses and provide suggestions on how you can make an improvement.

4/ Game
All participants will get to play VIC games which are academically designed and aim to boost your vocabulary, collocation, idioms, pronunciation and grammar.

5/ Debate
Participants will be grouped and guided by our hosts to discuss a given topic and debate with other teams in a structured manner.

Note: As VIC does not rent the venue, in order to use the space every Saturday, all participants including myself and other VIC team members have to pay for our own drinks at the counter. VIC does not benefit from your purchase of beverages.

My VIC team


Keita Nguyen


CELTA Certified

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Quoc Hung

Academic Advisor



Ngan Tran



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Phuong Anh




Ms. Van Loc


CELTA Certified






Mai Tran





Join VIC for free

To get up-to-date information about VIC, follow our page here.